Posts in Category: Betas and pre-releases

Hoshino Hanami -LoveSong- for Diffsinger Beta2 is out!

Hey everyone,

A new beta for Hanami’s DiffSinger model is out. Hopefully LEONA will follow soon.

This beta was trained with reflow and has 3 vocal modes instead of just 1. And again, still in beta, so apologies if there are still weird quirks around! Please let me know if you encounter anything strange.

Download link on GitHub

~ Lotte V

More Hanami beta voicebanks (all UTAU this time)

Click here to download all of them.

They’re very unfinished but enjoy them regardless. The only ones that are missing are either a) experimental, or b) not something that’d be allowed on GitHub.

My other UTAUs will come at a later date.

Have fun. I’m going to bed now

~ Lotte V

I’ve released Hanami and LEONA’s beta DiffSinger models

Hello everyone,

Yes, you’ve read that right! Hanami and LEONA’s DiffSinger models are now in beta. I won’t be adding them to their respective character pages yet due to their beta status, but I still wanted to have the links here on my site. So for now I’m posting them as a blog update.

Hanami download link

LEONA download link

I recommend you read the release notes before downloading; they contain some pretty important information.

Have fun!!!

~ Lotte V