Posts in Category: Vocal synth

Project AI❤dol Public English Dataset

Hello everyone, I have more exciting news!

I have decided to publish a selection of my own SVS dataset for parallel training. You can use this data to help create your own DiffSinger model (or any other suitable SVS software). There has been a severe lack of easily available English female data, which motivated me to release the corpus.

I’m planning to make a proper dataset page someday, as part of the Project AI❤dol section.

I hope you enjoy! And please read the readme on the GitHub before using, thank you in advance!

Download on GitHub

~ Lotte V

Hoshino Hanami ~AI❤dol~ for DiffSinger v1.0 is out!

Hello all!

I’m happy to announce that Hanami’s DiffSinger voicebank has finally gotten a full official release! As you can see, I ended up changing the name of the voicebank in order to match Project AI❤dol (see logo at the top of the post).

There’s some general information about the voicebank in the video description; I’m not gonna add all of that here, since that would make the post way too long. But what I will say is that she supports many different languages, has 3 different vocal modes, auto-pitch, and a custom vocoder.

I’m planning to create a dedicated DiffSinger section to the website, as well as some general information about Project AI❤dol. It’s probably gonna take a bit before I can do that though, but please be patient! It will happen, I promise.

You can download the voicebank here.

I hope you enjoy using her!

~ Lotte V

Hoshino Hanami -LoveSong- for Diffsinger Beta2 is out!

Hey everyone,

A new beta for Hanami’s DiffSinger model is out. Hopefully LEONA will follow soon.

This beta was trained with reflow and has 3 vocal modes instead of just 1. And again, still in beta, so apologies if there are still weird quirks around! Please let me know if you encounter anything strange.

Download link on GitHub

~ Lotte V

More Hanami beta voicebanks (all UTAU this time)

Click here to download all of them.

They’re very unfinished but enjoy them regardless. The only ones that are missing are either a) experimental, or b) not something that’d be allowed on GitHub.

My other UTAUs will come at a later date.

Have fun. I’m going to bed now

~ Lotte V

I’ve released Hanami and LEONA’s beta DiffSinger models

Hello everyone,

Yes, you’ve read that right! Hanami and LEONA’s DiffSinger models are now in beta. I won’t be adding them to their respective character pages yet due to their beta status, but I still wanted to have the links here on my site. So for now I’m posting them as a blog update.

Hanami download link

LEONA download link

I recommend you read the release notes before downloading; they contain some pretty important information.

Have fun!!!

~ Lotte V

I hereby grant permission to use all my USTs etc. for AI pitch training

Hello everyone. The title basically already says most of it; I really don’t care if people use any of my project files for AI pitch training (Diffsinger, NNSVS, etc.). I’m not super attached to my tuning and if it helps people, hey why not.
Under ONE condition, and that is that you credit me somewhere in the readme file of your voicebank, as well as specify which file(s) you used for training. Read more over on the relevant page on this website, which has been updated accordingly.

Hopefully this helps some people with their projects, and hopefully the results will be satisfactory enough.

Speaking of Diffsinger… Be on the lookout for that the coming time.

~ Lotte V

New QUiNN voicebank! (2 years late… sort of)

The voicebank got released a few days ago, but I forgot to make a post… Oops!

Finally, she’s here! It took me a long time, but I finally did it. This release was originally for QUiNN’s 10th anniversary, but I drew a complete blank when it came to inspiration for quite some time when it came to her design. Even though the voicebank had been finished for some time already… Oh well. I hope you like it regardless!

Her page on this site has also been updated, although as of writing this post I still need to finish the final touches. Those will come with time.

Again, I hope you like her!

~Lotte V

Voicebank Plans and Status (UTAU/DeepVocal) – January 2023

Hello all! I’ve been wanting to write this post to inform everyone what the current status is of my voicebank release plans.

Annushka 10th anniversary delayed (but it’s still coming!)

Hello all. Yes, You’ve read it right, I have to unfortunately delay another 10th anniversary. But! It’s still definitely 100% coming, it’s just that I need more time since I’ve been very busy as of late. Please stay tuned!

Oh, and QUiNN’s “10th” (for lack of a better term) is also still most definitely coming. Please stay tuned for this one as well!

~Lotte V

LEONA’s 10th Anniversary (a day… early?!)

Hello everyone! Tomorrow, on May 8 2022, is LEONA’s 10th anniversary. However, I somehow assumed it was today! So you’re in luck: you’re getting the video a day early. It’s a remake of an old cover I did with her; I’ve been wanting to redo it since forever, and now I finally have the chance.

The only update I have for her is an extra lower pitch for her Japanese banks (only for her Core voice) and updated readmes. No new designs since I didn’t think those were necessary; her 2019 designs are still perfectly fine to me.

Oh, and of course, I’ve updated her character page.

I hope you like the video regardless!

~Lotte V