Posts Tagged: updates

I hereby grant permission to use all my USTs etc. for AI pitch training

Hello everyone. The title basically already says most of it; I really don’t care if people use any of my project files for AI pitch training (Diffsinger, NNSVS, etc.). I’m not super attached to my tuning and if it helps people, hey why not.
Under ONE condition, and that is that you credit me somewhere in the readme file of your voicebank, as well as specify which file(s) you used for training. Read more over on the relevant page on this website, which has been updated accordingly.

Hopefully this helps some people with their projects, and hopefully the results will be satisfactory enough.

Speaking of Diffsinger… Be on the lookout for that the coming time.

~ Lotte V

Voicebank Plans and Status (UTAU/DeepVocal) – January 2023

Hello all! I’ve been wanting to write this post to inform everyone what the current status is of my voicebank release plans.