Posts Tagged: voicebank release

New QUiNN voicebank! (2 years late… sort of)

The voicebank got released a few days ago, but I forgot to make a post… Oops!

Finally, she’s here! It took me a long time, but I finally did it. This release was originally for QUiNN’s 10th anniversary, but I drew a complete blank when it came to inspiration for quite some time when it came to her design. Even though the voicebank had been finished for some time already… Oh well. I hope you like it regardless!

Her page on this site has also been updated, although as of writing this post I still need to finish the final touches. Those will come with time.

Again, I hope you like her!

~Lotte V

LEONA’s 10th Anniversary (a day… early?!)

Hello everyone! Tomorrow, on May 8 2022, is LEONA’s 10th anniversary. However, I somehow assumed it was today! So you’re in luck: you’re getting the video a day early. It’s a remake of an old cover I did with her; I’ve been wanting to redo it since forever, and now I finally have the chance.

The only update I have for her is an extra lower pitch for her Japanese banks (only for her Core voice) and updated readmes. No new designs since I didn’t think those were necessary; her 2019 designs are still perfectly fine to me.

Oh, and of course, I’ve updated her character page.

I hope you like the video regardless!

~Lotte V

Joëll’s 10th Anniversary (a day late)

On March 2, 2022, it was Joëll’s 10th anniversary. For this occasion, I gave him a complete makeover as well as two brand-new voicebanks. The release videos can be viewed above.

To download his voicebanks and take a look at his new concept art, you can visit his overhauled character page.

I hope you guys like him a bit!

~Lotte V

New voicebank: Hoshino Hanami -Dancing Fae- English VCCV (v2.0)

Yes, you heard it correctly! It’s a new voicebank containing brand-new recordings and generally a lot of improvements (or at least, I hope so). Links to the voicebanks, as well as the vocal sequence files, are all in the description. As are the credits, though they’re in the video itself as well.


~Lotte V